Thursday 19 May 2016

Die Antwoord still has more to say about Kanye West..

Still on the matter... Die Antwoord still has more to say about Kanye West. In the video, Ninja tells bandmate Yolandi Visser that Yeezy interrupted a conversation about a potential new track by randomly putting on a porn video.

Ninja says in the video: "I had this idea for a track and, as I'm about to say the shit about the track, Kanye just like turns away and switches on, like, an ass sex video - like a random anal sex video."

Ninja then continues: "And then Kanye says, 'Why is this guy putting his whole hand in her ass with his dick?' And then he turned back to me and said, 'Yo, sorry, what were you saying?'"

My opinion..... let the nigga be!!

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