Monday 23 May 2016

Kanye West's Former Bodyguard Dishes On The Rapper's Most Idiotic Antics.

In an interview with Page Six, Kanye West's former bodyguard (the guy who allegedly got fired for speaking to Kim Kardashian West), revealed some CRAZY moments during his time working for the rapper. From silly temper tantrums to egomaniac episodes, security buff Steve Stanuliswas privy to it all!

While Steve has worked with high-profile stars like Leonardo DiCaprio and Tobey Maguire, he contends K.W. has been the most difficult star to work for. It's an admission we can't say we'retoo shocked by — this is the guy who goes on an epic rant every other day, after all!

Speaking on Mr. West's diva persona, Stanulis revealed: "I had to look after his toddler daughter once and it was so much easier than baby-sitting the father. I've been employed by a lot of high-end people but I've never worked for someone like him. He's 10 times worse than what you see."

Dayum! That comparison about North West really puts things into perspective… we'd take an actual toddler over an adult baby any day of the week! But wait, the insanity doesn't end there!   

In one particular jaw-dropping moment, S.S. enraged the musician when he didn't know what button to press when they were on an elevator together. Apparently the rapper does NOT like to push his own buttons!

When Steve revealed his confusion to Kanye, the 38-year-old totally "FREAKED OUT": "Kanye flipped out, squealing that his time was precious and that he couldn't believe I hadn't called ahead to find out which floor he worked on. I was amazed by the amount of bizarre behavior I saw in just two weeks. It is his world and everyone just exists within it. I don't know how Kim [Kardashian] stays married to him."  

Yep, that definitely sounds like Mr. West! As for Kim staying married to the singer, we speculate she's probably used to it by now. We imagine after years of dealing with momager Kris Jenner her tolerance for bullsh*t is sky high! 

In another wild scenario, the bodyguard confessed that he once had to chase down the poppa after he left his studio in a rage. Apparently Steve used his own car to follow the hit maker and the Calabasas resident was pissed off to have to climb over his kids' carseats:

"I told him he could get in or keep on walking and after a sulk he climbed in the front. He is the most condescending person I have ever met."

Mehn! It sounds like Stanulis has been through a lot! While all of this info is very inneresting, we're wondering how it's possible for Steve to recount his tales to the media. Didn't he sign a disclosure agreement?

Either way, Kayne and Kim have discredited the security aficionado in the past, claiming that his abrupt firing didn't go down the way he portrayed it. This is definitely a classic case of he said/she said!

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Kanye West. You can employ me. I will be quitting my job in about a week time due to their unwillingness to extend my contract with them.
    I have got all the qualities you can see in a professional body guard.
    1.i have 6 stony packs on my abdomen
    2.i am fearless and full of strength. I once overpower an Asian dog on loose in neighborhood from injuring our gate kerper.
    3. I don't like women. So you can be less assured that I won't eye or even chyke kim, your wife.
