Saturday 21 May 2016

The Price for Deceit!!

"What's the worst that could happen" some people say. Well.... you can never know until you know. You get into a committed relationship, promise each other heaven and earth and still yet go ahead to cheat, always hoping your partner would remain naive and stupid forever and never find out.

Sometimes i wonder how one can be deceived by his or her own mind. Surely one day you'll get caught and the most common statement is "its not what you think", "i can explain" blah blah blah... then the tears flows, followed by remorse and finally regrets. Well.... too bad this dude didn't have the time to go through the aftermath process. He was let off easily.

This could happen to anyone and never you feel too comfortable in your relationship or marriage claiming you know your partner too well saying stuffs like "if he/she catches me he would just be mad, that's all". You'll never know the extent a person in rage and fury can go until you find yourself on the other side of the rifle.