Saturday 21 May 2016

Kanye West sued over sample on ‘New Slaves’

Kanye West is reportedly being sued for $2.5 million over a sample used on ‘Yeezus’ track ‘New Slaves’.

Nearly three years after the album was released in 2013, Hungarian composer Gabor Presser claims West “knowingly and intentionally misappropriated” his 1969 composition ‘Gyöngyhajú lány’.

‘New Slaves’ uses a sample of the song towards its close and, according to the suit, Presser was only made aware of this shortly before its release. He claims that he agreed to its use on the assumption that a formal deal would be made. According to TMZ, West sent a cheque for $10,000 to Presser at the time, but it was never cashed.

This is the second time ‘Yeezus’ has faced legal action after West reached a settlement in May last year. That lawsuit was brought by former Ponderosa Twins Plus One child star Ricky Spicer for unauthorised use of his vocals in ‘Bound 2’.

West and Jay-Z’s streaming site Tidal was also sued in April after “deceiving fans” by claiming West’s album ‘The Life of Pablo’ was a Tidal exclusive in February. This caused fans to sign up to the subscription service before it was released on non-Tidal streaming services the following month.

The US rapper also made a typically outspoken interview during an appearance on Ellen earlier this week (May 18), where he discussed the Oscars, his fashion career and asking Mark Zuckerberg for money.

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