Wednesday 29 June 2016

Game of Thrones: Kit Harington couldn't stop falling asleep filming Jon Snow resurrection scene

Turns out, Kit Harington wasn't quite as gripped by Jon Snow's resurrection as the rest of us.

The Game of Thrones actor revealed he struggled to stay awake while filming the gruelling process of his resurrection at the hands of Melisandre. "I was lying down for so many hours for two whole episodes," he told W Magazine. "I fell asleep in the middle of a scene and woke up, and you know when you wake up you don't quite know where you are? There's nothing scarier than waking up in the middle of Game Of Thrones world  naked and everyone standing over you and you go, 'Oh my God, I've died and I've actually ended up in Westeros.'"

Indeed, filming such a crucial moment in the series doesn't seem to have been an easy, or brief, task to complete. "They wanted that over and over again," Harington recalled. "I had to kind of say, 'I don't know how else to do it now, guys.'"

"I did have a couple of weeks when I thought I was going to die," The actor explained of his season 5 death scene. "I thought, 'maybe this is it.' And then I was told. I was one of the first people to be told. Then I had to keep this massive secret from everybody. Friends, family."

Game of Thrones season 7 will premiere in 2017; though be warned, there are only 13 episodes left of this tale. 

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