Tuesday 21 June 2016

Newly Discovered Court Doctors Describes Michael Jackson's Porn Collection : Paints Him As A Disturbed And Sick Child Predator

In court, doctors from Michael Jackson's 2003 child molestation trial obtained by Radar Online, new revelations about the singer's twisted preference for child porn were revealed. It's truly the most DISTURBING information we've heard about the late singer thus far.

According to info in the legal records, police obtained a TON of "notes, diaries, documents, photographs, audiotapes and videotapes", featuring children when they raided Jackson's Neverland Ranch following an allegation of child molestation made by a young boy.

Per the report, M.J. possessed images of children's faces pasted onto the bodies of adults. Even though that detail is disgusting and bizarre in itself, that's just the tip of the iceberg.

An investigator in the case went on to divulge that Michael's porn collection was downright violent: "He also had disgusting and downright shocking images of child torture, adult and child nudity, female bondage and sadomasochism."

The insider went on to add: "The documents exposed Jackson as a manipulative, drug-and-sex-crazed predator who used blood, gore, sexually explicit images of animal sacrifice and perverse adult sex acts to bend children to his will. There is one particularly sick photo of a child holding what appears to be a dead goose bludgeoned to death!"

To make matters worse, authorities explained how the musician moved most of his explicit materials to a storage unit in Santa Barbara after he caught wind of the charges against him. Once the cops got the OK to raid the unit, they discovered even more heinous images depicting women, men, and children in a variety of ghoulish and perverse situations.

Former Santa Barbara Senior Assistant District Attorney Ron Zonen summed up the findings as an accurate depiction of who the entertainer REALLY was:

"A lot of this stuff was used to desensitize the children, and Michael admitted taking one child after another into bed with him for long periods of time. We identified five different boys, who all made allegations of sexual abuse. There's not much question in my mind that Michael was guilty of child molestation."

As for how these court docs were released eleven years after Mr. Jackson was acquitted of child molestation in 2005, an official at the Santa Barbara police department explained to Vanity Fair:

"Some of the documents appear to be copies of reports that were authored by Sheriff's Office personnel as well as evidentiary photographs taken by Sheriff's Office personnel interspersed with content that appears to be obtained off the Internet or through unknown sources. The Sheriff's Office did not release any of the documents and/or photographs to the media. The Sheriff's Office released all of its reports and the photographs as part of the required discovery process to the prosecution and the defense."

Hmm… it sounds like either someone on the defense or prosecution leaked the docs. It would make more sense for the prosecution to make the move but we guess we'll never know for sure.

What makes this situation especially sad is that molestation claims against M.J. continue to pop up YEARS after his death. We imagine these findings continue to fan the flames of suspicion against the hit maker.

So.. whats your thought on this ?

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