Friday 3 June 2016

GOT Fans Say Bye Bye To Kit Harrington's Beards.

Kit Harington's beard is almost as ingrained in his public persona as those flowing locks he's contractually forbidden from cutting. It's not particularly full kind of patchy, even but the Game of Thronesstar's charm is curiously defined by his facial hair. Maybe that's because its unkempt nature fits so well with the look of a man who lives in a fantasy world that's devoid of modern grooming techniques.

Whatever the reason, it's a moot point. The beard is now gone, and everyone on the internet is freaking out almost as hard as they did when Drake went clean-shaven. Look upon the new Jon Snow and weep bitter tears:

Anyway, now that Harington looks like he slithered out of a reptilian emo band, let's consider why he picked up the razor and what it means for the show. These are some of the possible excuses some die hard GOT Fans came up with which are by the way hilarious. 

  •  in Episode 9 Bran builds a machine to send Ramsay back in time to invent modern rock music at Jon Snow's high school dance. The beard is gone because Harington had to shave it to play high-school Snow. (Wow, we just Incepted our own stupid list of Game of Thrones theories.)
  • HBO forgot to pay Harington's grooming bills.
  • The beard reminded Harington's real-life and on-screen girlfriend Rose Leslie of the character and show that's slowly destroying their relationship.
  • The real Kit Harington actually died when Jon Snow was killed off on the show. The replacement Kit Harington has alopecia. He appears with hair thanks to the marvels of modern television, and conceded to wearing a wig in public but refused to apply fake facial hair.But for real Jon Snow dies this time.
Former look

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