Monday 20 June 2016

Kit Harington Says Jon Snow Might Not Meet Daenerys On "Game Of Thrones"

Jon Snow meeting Daenerys Targaryen surely it's how Game of Thrones is destined to end? Or not ?

Kit Harington isn't so sure the actor told Short List that he hasn't "got a clue" if his brooding warrior will ever cross paths with Emilia Clarke's Mother of Dragons.

"I don't know whether I will work with her," he admitted. "I haven't got a clue whether we'll ever meet. "We've never shared a single scene, so it might be dynamite, or it might be complete tosh."

One thing Harington does know for certain  he sure was happy when Jon Snow abandoned his post as Lord Commander of the Night's Watch...aren't we all ?

"I've been at the Wall long enough now. I think it's the right time to f**k off. You can only stay static in one huge story for so long. I think I'd been there a little too long."

Now that Jon is a free man, he's looking to take back Winterfell from his adversaries - but what is the ultimate destiny of Ned Stark's bastard son?

"I don't know exactly how long it will run but I would say it's not going to continue for as long as it's [already] been on," Harington said.

"All the creatives behind it are clever enough to know that, even from a money point of view, it will sell very well if it ends right, rather than just continuing into oblivion."

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